Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Broadcast Messaging Response in Houston

Scot More in Houston today sent me the following email, describing the success he had recently in gathering data from clients using broadcast messaging. The text of the message (about emergency response during hurricane season) is below, and overnight received 110 responses from his clients. Great example of the power of broadcast messaging!

(Scott's broadcast voice message)

"Hi, I work for the Coalition for the Homeless of Houston/Harris County, who supports and manages your Houston Community Voice Mail. This is the first of many Broadcast Messages you will be receiving. By pressing 4 at the end of this message, you will be able to verbally respond to this simple survey question.

Here is the question:

Now that we are in the heart of hurricane season, would it be beneficial for you to receive Emergency Service Information thru your voice mail?

Again, please press 4 at the end of this message to leave your response. THANK YOU and try to stay cool during these long summer days.

Monday, June 25, 2007

13,000+ kids in L.A. schools are homeless

The number is pretty staggering. As reported on LA's Homeless Blog, 13,521 children in the L.A. Unified School District are without a home. Imagine if these children represented the "face of poverty" in the minds of most people instead of the panhandler on the street.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007